Pennsylvania First In the Country to Move to Flat Chapter Fee
In 2016 PA moved to a flat-chapter fee model. This is a pilot program of JCI USA, designed to simplify the dues paying process for chapters and members. The dues charge for 2016 for each Pennsylvania chapter is now uniformed across all chapters. Included in this amount are state dues, national dues, and international dues for all current members and all members that will join your chapter this year. Here are some particulars to keep in mind:
Anytime your chapter adds a new member in 2016, the database will not require a separate payment.
Please remember to add your new members! For them to fully enjoy the Jaycee experience, to register for events and trainings, etc. they will need electronic access to these resources and to do that they need to be listed as members on our membership database.
Chapters are encouraged to still charge dues. The flat chapter fee model was designed to keep more money at the local level.
Membership growth is good! Fees are bad! As your chapter grows, your flat fee remains the same, so continuing to collect the same amount of membership dues will increase resouces for your local chapter.
We hope this is an encouragement to all PA chapters to add new members throughout the year.